How to find Sydney’s best Naturopath

Sydney’s best Naturopath.

How do you find a good practitioner? Well not just good, but great, the best ever! Someone who will genuinely care about your health and well-being, give you a diet that makes sense and set achievable lifestyle goals to get on track to be a happier healthier you.

Some tips to find the perfect match!

I jump online and Google ‘Sydney’s best Naturopath’ and begin my hunt. Once I search through the paid ads, where people have literally put money to rank themselves as the best Naturopath and it just looks like a lot of articles.

So, to help anyone out there looking for the best Naturopath below is my advice. Finding the right practitioner, the ‘best Naturopath’ can be tricky. This advice really goes for any practitioner within the complementary medicine space.


natural health solutions, including herbs, vitamins and fresh food

But aren’t you a Naturopath?

Just let me clarify being a Naturopath myself, a lot of people think I would treat myself. Sometimes this is the case I might grab a fish oil or some vitamin D – but really when I am sick I like to have someone dedicate to taking care of me.

When I see a Naturopath, who do I pick and why?

Word of mouth

I studied in Melbourne, so a lot of my friends who I went to Uni with life in another state, these practitioners would be my first point of call. I know them, I know how they treat, I trust them, and I feel connected to them. Failing one of my pals landing in Sydney and me cornering them for a weekend consult, I would ask around. I talk to people I work with, my hairdresser, other practitioners, the neighbour, whoever… most people who have had a positive experience want to let others know about it! It is a wonderful place to start when trying to find the right practitioner.

Google Search.

One size does not fit all. I saw a massage therapist recommended by a friend, the therapist was lovely, and knowledge yet was not for me. Failing the word of mouth, I would say Google is your next best friend. Hunt who is in your suburb. Google reviews are unbiased feedback written by customers, scrolling through these reviews can help you get an idea of other’s experiences and if this person is the right fit.

With 70+ 5-start Google Reviews, my clients are thrilled to share their experience, like Pamela:

Lindsay has been a genuine godsend and has helped clear my acne and get my gut health back on track. After multiple surgeries and rounds of antibiotics, my gut flora was completely obliterated, which resulted in the worst acne of my entire life! She is a wealth of knowledge. I truly appreciate the care she takes, the personalised info packs that she sends through after each follow-up are a great resource to go back to. She’s empathetic and real, I can’t recommend her enough!”- Pamela, Sanatio Naturopathy Review

Social Media.

Facebook, Instagram or even YouTube. Have a little stalk. Does this Naturopath look like someone you want to work with to get you healthy, or does their Instagram make you cringe? If it is the latter… keep on huntin’!


Naturopathy qualifications, unfortunately, a lot of people call themselves a Naturopath, life coach, health coach… the list goes on, and they have literally done a weekend course on superfoods and built themselves a website. Once you suss your Naturopath out, check their qualifications, don’t go for anything less than a degree or Advanced Diploma in Health Science. With this level of training, you know you are in safe and knowledgeable hands.


Check what they say on their website, is it a money-back guarantee! Lose 10kg in 2 weeks! If it looks like a used car scam, avoid at all costs.

Lastly, check their specialities or areas of interest, are you seeing a fertility specialist for acne? Perhaps try someone who is more aligned with what you are presenting with.

Still not sure?

Most Naturopaths will allow you to make time for a quick phone conversation, which is a wonderful way to check that you are on the same page.

Going to the trouble of some quick online research will help point you in the right direction and increase the likeliness of seeing someone who is suited to you.

Any questions about this article, simply contact me here.


Lindsay Carter Nautropath
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness and health. Lindsay works to support women experiencing PCOS and acne.




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