Consultation Process

Hi and thanks for dropping by so you are keen to work together?

Great, below is some details on what to expect. Any questions as always please make a clarity call or drop me a line.

Lindsay Carter
Step 1

Clarity Call

Perhaps it’s your first time working with a Naturopath and you’re not sure what is involved.

A complimentary clarity call lets you ask any questions and we can talk through what is involved and what you can expect with working together. It is also a good opportunity to see if it feels like a good match to work together.

Step 2

Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, we go over your current health concerns, your medical and family history and a review each of your body systems. We look at any medications and review your supplementations. Any blood tests I discuss and asses in detail and explain to you clearly what they mean.

We discuss your diet and lifestyle habits, and how you manage stress, sleep and energy. There is time to discuss and ask questions as we go.

After your consultation, you will receive your customized treatment plan. Your plan includes a detailed interpretation of your case from a Naturopathic viewpoint and a breakdown of any blood tests. A clear plan of action with lifestyle, diet and supplement modifications. A separate email with your script is also included.

At the time of booking, you will receive an email containing a detailed health questionnaire to complete. This will ensure nothing is missed as I collect all the information about your health concerns.

There will also be details regarding any information you need to send prior such as photos if you are seeing me for acne.

Step 3


After our initial consultation it may be appropriate to run some further tests, fill any gaps in your blood work or look at functional pathology testing. I will create your referral for these tests and we will discuss the results in our following consultation. You will receive instructions on how to get the most accurate results with any blood test.

Step 4

Follow Up Review

Follow-up consultations are conducted every 3-4 weeks. Here we discuss any results, changes, questions and your health goals. We review any additional blood tests and functional pathology tests. You will receive updated notes on the next steps after this consultation.

How many follow-ups will you need? It really depends on how committed you are to making lifestyle and diet changes and how you can adhere to our plan. However, the body responds differently, as a general rule for every year you have had your condition you will need about a month to get back to balance.

Step 5

Monitor, Final Consultaiton

YAY you made it! Your skin is glowing, you are waking up with energy and sleeping like a baby. You understand your body and health, your triggers and how to eat to be the healthiest version of yourself. In your final consultation we map out a maintenance plan. How to wean off supplements with ease. What and when to get any further blood tests and how to understand and act on those results. This last consultation arms you with everything we have spoken about in each consultation and gives you the tools to keep on track.


Lindsay Carter

Sydney Naturopath Clinic. To Book An Appointment With Lindsay, In The Sydney Naturopath Clinic Please Click Book Now Or Phone Reception On

Lindsay Carter

I Can Help Women With PCOS, Acne And Post Pill Acne. Feel Confident And Healthy In Your Skin Again. 

I Can Help Women With PCOS, Acne And Post Pill Acne. Feel Confident And Healthy In Your Skin Again. 

Happy Hormones, Clear Skin

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