Digestive Health


Gut Health

Support your digestion and overall gut health with Naturopathy
Many people deal with digestive problems like acid reflux, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and discomfort daily.
Commonly these symptoms are labelled as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and clients are left not quite knowing, what to do, what to eat and how to rectify this.
While these symptoms are common they aren’t normal and they are something that needs addressing.

What's Next?

Sometimes it can feel like a dead end with your GP and often people feel they don’t get the answers they are looking for or the support for their gut health.
With a huge amount and often conflicting information online it can be tricky to navigate what is best for your body.  From what food or supplements you should be eating or avoiding, most clients we work with feel stuck and confused.
When regular medicine isn’t enough, naturopathic medicine could be a helpful alternative. It uses natural remedies to treat and prevent illnesses, focusing on your overall health.

Naturopathy and Gut Health.

Digestive problems can be bothersome and affect your daily life. Regular medicine might help manage symptoms, but it often doesn’t address the root cause. Naturopathic medicine is different. Instead of just treating symptoms, it aims to find out why you have digestive issues in the first place, giving you long-term relief.
Naturopaths spend time learning about your medical history and lifestyle to create a treatment plan that’s right for you. They focus on what’s unique about you and your needs. They use natural treatments like herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes to help your digestive system heal.

Why Naturopathic Medicine Is Great For Digestive Health

Naturopathic medicine offers a more personalized approach to your health. Here’s why it might be better than regular treatment:

1. Individualized Treatment: Naturopaths focus on you as an individual, not just your symptoms. They create a treatment plan based on your needs, which can lead to better results.

2. Fewer Side Effects: Natural remedies used in naturopathy are gentler on your body and have fewer side effects compared to regular medicine.

3. Focus on Nutrition: Naturopaths emphasize the role of food in promoting health. They can help you develop a diet that improves your overall health and reduces digestive symptoms.

4. Holistic Approach: Naturopaths look at your whole health, not just your symptoms. They consider your physical, emotional, and mental well-being to find and fix underlying issues.

5. Prevention: Naturopathic medicine focuses on preventing future health problems, not just treating symptoms. This can lead to long-lasting results and better overall health.

Using natural remedies like herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes, naturopathy can help you manage digestive problems and improve your overall health. If regular medicine isn’t working for you, consider giving naturopathic medicine a try.
“All diseases begin in the gut.”

Work With Us

As Hippocrates said, all diseases begin in the gut. This is an area we support all our clients in.
Gut health is more than just digestive symptoms but we see the health and diversity of the gut implicated in;
  • Skin condition. Acne, eczema and dermatitis
  • Auto-Immune disease. Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid conditions
  • Hormone health. Period pain, heavy periods, PMS/PMDD
  • Energy and mood. Anxiety and depression

My Digestion Treatment Process


As a Gut naturopath, I really believe in functional pathology testing and general blood work. Testing ensures we get an accurate snapshot of all factors that can be driving symptoms or inhibiting healing.
Our gut health and microbiome is complex and we need to know exactly what is going on. I lean on testing to understand exactly what is happening behind the scens and what is driving what! To create an accurate treatment plan, I request we test. We can test via blood work, and CDSA, stool testing., and this is something we discuss when we meet.


Once we have met, I have taken a thorough case history, assessed blood work and your stool tests, I will create a plan that addresses the underlying causes. Bacterial, fungal or viral overgrowth, parasites, H Pylori, any intolerances to foods, inflammation, dysbiosis or low commensal bacteria.


After your initial gut program has been provided, we then catch up frequently to discuss results, changes, questions and your health goals. We review any additional blood tests and functional pathology tests and update your treatment plan if required.
If your digestion is getting you down, make time and chat with Bec, Bec loves all things digestion and has a special interest in gut health.