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Which supplements work?

Four Corners - Complementary Medicine You may have seen the Four Corners program on Complementary Medicine. As always complimentary medicine didn't do too well. With the comment. just creating expensive urine, once again being thrown around in regards to supplements. So what next? How

ADHD breakthrough

New ADHD research Researchers at Melbourne's Swinburne University believe they have found a natural treatment which could help children suffering from ADHD.In the clean, clear waters of New Zealand lies the green-lipped mussel, which contains anti-inflammatory and joint-protecting properties through the

Complementary Medicines in Australia

“Swallowing It: How Australians are spending billions on unproven vitamins and supplements”. If any of you watched, it went as I expected, fairly negatively for complementary medicine.Once again the efficacy and safety of Australian complementary medicines is being questioned through the