About Lindsay


Hi, I’m Lindsay!


A Naturopath, Who Loves Helping Women Suffering From Acne And PCOS. I Am Here To Help You Break The Prescription Cycle, Balance Your Hormones And Heal Your Skin From Within.

Acne and PCOS Naturopath Lindsay

Clear your Acne - Heal your PCOS

Imagine the feeling of waking up acne-free, with clear glowing skin and regular, pain-free periods. Starting each day energised, with mental clarity, at a healthy weight and feeling confident in your skin.

This is what I help my clients achieve.

Through extensive testing, we get to the root cause of your acne and PCOS. I create a tailored plan and we get you back to feeling yourself again, with bite-size steps, tools and tips my plan is easy to follow and fits into your life, you’re always in control. With Naturopathy, we address every aspect of health, from mood to digestion and everything in between.


It is so natural to feel overwhelmed and frustrated with acne or a PCOS diagnosis. It can feel like you are in a sea, drowning in information yet not really knowing where to start.

PCOS and acne are unique conditions with no two clients experiencing the same symptoms or the same triggers. By getting to the bottom of things we bring about long-lasting change.

PCOS & Acne Naturopath Lindsay 

My PCOS & ACNE Story

After graduating from SSNT university in my 20s I was so focused on everyone else’s health that I neglected my own. I had acne occurring on the lower part of my face.

Painful cystic acne, some days my skin would be so inflamed I would often put ice packs on my face to calm it down. My periods were MIA, maybe they would come, maybe I wouldn’t see them for six+ months. They were so heavy I would flood through pads and tampons. Working big hours at the time, I would fuel myself on empty white calories, I was struggling big time to maintain a healthy weight. Really struggling to break the cycle of breakouts, carbs, and weight fluctuations or regulate my period. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2012. My GP’s solution, is the pill, metf0rmin and d0xycycline.


No. I am a Naturopath I knew I could support my body back to balance. So I used my tools to get my health back on track. My 30th birthday was on the horizon, the time had come to take a deeper look into my health. I was ready to focus on my health. I went to my GP for a check-up, and I got my blood tests done and an ultrasound. The sonographer casually mentioned my ovaries looked like a bunch of grapes. Pleasant. So I kept a food diary, I kept a period log, and I started taking liquid herbs and supplements every dam day. Then I found an exercise I loved that didn’t feel like a chore. I decluttered my life, work, space and people. I put myself first… you can’t pour from an empty cup. Lo and behold I got better, after 6 months I now had a 29-day menstrual cycle. I had pain free periods. I lost 30kg. My skin cleared up. I slept well and I felt happy.

What I learned; health takes time, health happens when you are ready and health is about the balance of mind body and soul.

Lindsay Carter completed a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) in 2012 at the Southern School of Natural Therapies in Melbourne. Lindsay has been an accredited member of ANTA since 2012. Lindsay works with mentors and completes over 100hrs of further study each year. 


Happy Hormones,

& Clear Skin

I am here to help you clear your acne. To help you feel confident in your skin. Let’s dig deeper and work together to bring about lasting change.