Acne affects people of all ages. Naturopathy can help uncover the root cause of your outbreaks and clear your skin.
My Name Is Lindsay, And I Am A Degree Qualified Acne Naturopath. I Help Women Of All Ages Understand Their Bodies, Understand The Drivers Behind Their Outbreaks And Ultimately Achieve Clear Healthy Skin!
Acne is a complex condition, with the blame often going to the condition of our skin and the skincare products we use. While bacteria and oil can be risk factors for acne, often they are not the drivers. Brands will promise you clear skin if you just use their products, but acne is often a sign that things are out of balance internally. As a specialised Acne Naturopath, my focus is to understand WHY your skin is breaking out.
To clear your skin, to get long-lasting change you need to dig deeper to see what is driving your outbreaks
Testing and background information about your acne, diet and skin will help ensure any Naturopath treatment works to clear your acne.
During our initial acne consultation, we dive into all elements of your health; we look at your stress, your sleep, your diet, and all other elements of your lifestyle. We also utilise comprehensive microbiome digestive testing, dried urine hormone testing, histamine intolerance and detoxification tests to understand what is driving your acne.
Once we have all the background information about your skin and testing details, I create a highly individualised acne treatment plan. This plan takes each and every aspect of your health into account. Our acne treatment plan focuses on avoiding trigger foods, supporting detoxification, gut health and microbiome, balancing hormones, reducing inflammation and assisting the skin’s ability to heal.
Your acne treatment plan will include also include any prescriptions for nutritional, herbal and therapeutic supplements.
The health of one’s skin gives me huge insight into our overall health. Naturopath philosophy has us focus on the whole person. It is more than just the skin. If we improve someone’s overall health, we ultimately improve the skin (and acne).
Acne is far from simple! Skin can be tricky, for a few reasons, skin is inherently multifactorial – no two clients experience the same acne and the same triggers, and there is no ‘one size fits all.
While it may be one thing driving the outbreaks often, I see a combination of causes that lead to acne breakouts.
The common things I see that can contribute to acne outbreaks; are sub-optimal thyroid health, hormonal; hyperprolactinemia, PCOS, hyperandrogenism, post-pill acne, GIT disturbances– SIBO, candida, food intolerances, dysbiosis, low stomach acid, stress-induced, liver function, genetics, inflammatory, insulin resistance, nutritional deficiencies and a damaged skin barrier/irritation.
Commonly I see one key driver contributing to breakouts, such as hormonal acne, but we know stress, coming off the pill, and low zinc will all contribute to the acne. It’s rarely ‘one thing’ but often a combination of underlying factors. For a lot of us, it is normal to go to skincare to help cure our acne. However, the increasing use of harsh active ingredients such as acids, peels or scrubs to heal your acne can disrupt and damage the skin barrier and the skin microbiome.
Our skin microbiome helps regulate the health of the skin, from inflammation, moisture balance, pH, oil control, bacteria imbalances, acne breakouts and sensitivity.
Just like our gut our skin also has a diverse and complex microbiome. Our skin microbiome helps regulate the health of the skin, from inflammation, moisture balance, pH, oil control, bacteria imbalances, acne breakouts and sensitivity.
Hormonal imbalances such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can be a common cause. PCOS is a condition with increased androgens as well as increased inflammation. Androgens are a big driver for acne as they increase hyper-keratinisation and the stimulation of sebum production.
Happy Hormones,
& Clear Skin
I am here to help you clear your acne. To help you feel confident in your skin. Let’s dig deeper and work together to bring about lasting change.