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Unlock how to heal your skin, understand your blood tests, and work out what your signs and symptoms are telling you. All summed up in our not-so-regular (you’re welcome) Newsletter.

We get it. Acne, hormonal swings, drowning in products and diet dilemmas can make you want to hide under the covers. Constantly being told, your blood work, that ‘everything looks ok’ yet feeling far from ok.

Welcome to Health Drops Newsletter, where clear skin, balanced hormones, and healthy eating habits are just a few clicks away!

By joining our newsletter, we promise we only send the good bits
  • Skin Tips That Actually Work: Say goodbye to endless products and hello to real, practical advice. We promise no unicorn tears or dragon scales – just science-backed tips!
  • Hormone Hacks: Ever feel like your hormones are throwing a never-ending party, and you’re not invited? We’ve got the RSVP – tips to balance those unruly guests.
  • Nutritional Wisdom: Wondering if that third slice of pizza is a good idea? We’ll give you the lowdown on what to eat for happy skin and a happier you.
  • Product reviews. With a flooded market, a hefty price tag and lots of promises I uncover what best products are.
  • Blood work insight. Had your bloods done and have no idea what your iron needs to be? Easy newsletter I unpack a crucial marker that needs to be optimal for health and clear skin
A cup of coffee

Why Should You Subscribe? Well, Why Not?

  • Expert Advice, Minus the Jargon: Our team of Naturopaths, nutritionists, skin therapists and hormone whisperers will break it down for you – no PhD needed!
  • Real-Life Tips: No fluff, just stuff you can use in your everyday life. Like, did you know chocolate can be good for your skin? Yes, you read that right.
  • Fun, Not Spam: We’re like that friend who always knows what’s up – without blowing up your phone. Promise, no spam – we hate it too!
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For more tips and info, visit us at Sanatio. We’ve got a treasure trove of advice waiting for you!