About Bec


Hi, I'm Bec!

BHSC Naturopathy

I’m a Melbourne-based Naturopath, soon to be calling Sydney home, and I offer telehealth consultations to clients across Australia and worldwide.

Melbourne-based Naturopath

My Naturopathy Journey

My passion for naturopathy began in my teenage years when I was struggling with a range of health issues—anxiety, acne, IBS, brain fog, fatigue, and just a general feeling of being unwell. My amazing mum introduced me to her naturopath, and that was a turning point for me. With a personalized plan that included dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal medicine, and nutraceuticals, I felt more energized, grounded, and like myself again.

Originally, I dreamed of becoming an artist, but after experiencing the profound benefits of natural medicine, my passion shifted. Now, I’m dedicated to helping my clients uncover the root causes of their health issues because I believe that addressing these imbalances leads to lasting and transformative change.

What I Help My Clients Achieve

I work closely with my clients to get to the root of their health concerns, whether it’s mental health issues like ADHD, anxiety, and depression or physical conditions such as IBS, Coeliac disease, SIBO, acne, skin disorders, female reproductive issues (PMS, PCOS), or chronic fatigue. I understand that no two clients experience the same symptoms or triggers, which is why I create tailored plans that are easy to follow and fit seamlessly into your life. With naturopathy, I address every aspect of health—from mood to digestion and everything in between—so you can get back to feeling like yourself again.

My Coeliac & ADHD Journey

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease after dealing with persistent gut symptoms. This experience added a new dimension to my practice, deepening my expertise and passion for gut health. In my early 20’s I was also diagnosed with ADHD and have since found holistic approaches that have supported me in this space. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to navigate health challenges, but I also know the incredible healing potential that comes from giving your body what it needs.

Melbourne-based Naturopath

The Consultation Process

My approach is centred around you. During our initial consultation, I’ll take the time to truly understand your health history, current symptoms, lifestyle, and goals. Through extensive testing, combined with my intuitive understanding of your body’s needs, we’ll uncover the root cause of your health concerns.
Blending my knowledge of traditional naturopathic medicine, nutritional medicine, and herbalism with evidence-based research, I work with the innate intelligence of your body to restore harmony and balance to each system. Because of my intuition-led approach, no two clients receive the same treatment; each plan is uniquely crafted to fit your individual needs.
Together, we’ll develop a comprehensive plan tailored to you. I believe in creating digestible steps that empower you to take control of your health with ease. You’ll receive tools, tips, and ongoing support to help you implement the plan in a way that fits seamlessly into your life. We’ll regularly review your progress and adjust the plan as needed, ensuring that you’re always moving towards better health.

Why Work with Me

I am deeply committed to supporting my clients’ health and believe in the body’s amazing capacity for healing when given the right conditions. My goal is to empower you to take charge of your health with confidence and ease. I would love to support you on your journey to feeling your best.

Bec Van Wyk completed a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) in 2022 at the Southern School of Natural Therapies in Melbourne. Bec is also an accredited member of NHAA.